Clean Energy Choices Coalition

Autogas is non-toxic and water-soluble. It does not contaminate ground soil if spilled and is the third most widely used alternative fuel. Propane is considered a clean alternative fuel according to the Department of Energy's Energy Policy Act of 1992.

As state and local governments seek to address climate change through decarbonization and clean energy policy, The Clean Energy Choices Coalition believes that green energy choices and energy security are paramount to good sustainable public policy. Certain carbon reduction strategies have pushed electrification mandates across industry sectors. These mandate sole source energy to an unreliable and outdated grid network, which place our national and community security at great risk.

We believe a diverse and balanced approach to a carbon neutral clean energy policy is possible through an often mischaracterized and overlook energy source, Propane. The Clean Energy Choices Coalition was established to educate legislators and the public on the benefits of using propane autogas as an alternative fuel.

The Clean Energy Choices Coalition seeks to educate policy makers on the benefits of propane sourced energy and how propane is a viable solution to balancing a cleaner, more secure, and sustainable energy policy. Low in carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, autogas offers a renewable, sustainable option for a cleaner environment, today. Autogas is domestically sourced and abundant, making it the perfect bridge fuel as we prepare for a sustainable future. The Clean Energy Choices Coalition seeks partners in helping policy makers develop a balanced, clean, and reliable energy policy that helps achieve carbon reduction goals across the United States.

Autogas Resources

Propane, also known as liquified petroleum gas, is a byproduct of natural gas processing and crude oil refining. As of 2020, more than 93% of the United States’ propane supply was produced in North America.


DOE: Alternative Fuels Data CenterIcon: External linkMaryland’s First Propane Autogas BusIcon: External link


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